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时间:2023-11-25 14:31:38






-- 鬼跳(按住ctrl+方向键+侧键)    ---[[    if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == ghost_jump) then      while(IsMouseButtonPressed(ghost_jump))      do        PressKey("spacebar")        Sleep(math.random(8,11))                        ReleaseKey("spacebar")        Sleep(math.random(8,11))      end                        end    --]]       -- 鬼跳1.2(只需要按住方向键+侧键)(个人觉得没有自己按ctrl手感好)    ---[[    if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == ghost_jump and is_open_up) then      while(IsMouseButtonPressed(ghost_jump))      do        PressKey("spacebar")        Sleep(math.random(5,8))        PressKey("lctrl")        Sleep(math.random(1,3))                        ReleaseKey("spacebar")        Sleep(math.random(8,11))      end         ReleaseKey("lctrl")                 end    --]]


-- 一键上箱1.0    ---[[    if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == jump_box) then      PressKey("spacebar")      Sleep(math.random(267,275))      ReleaseKey("spacebar")      Sleep(math.random(346,354))      PressKey("spacebar")      Sleep(math.random(164,172))      ReleaseKey("spacebar")                           Sleep(math.random(96,104))               PressKey("lctrl")      Sleep(math.random(140,148))        ReleaseKey("lctrl")                        end    --]]


-- 右键瞬狙    ---[[    if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED" and arg == right_fire_Ju) then      --OutputLogMessage("Hello World %f\n", math.random())           -- 瞬发      PressMouseButton(1)      Sleep(math.random(10,20))      ReleaseMouseButton(1)      -- 切枪      if(change_gun == 1) then        PressKey("q")        Sleep(math.random(9,14))                        ReleaseKey("q")        Sleep(math.random(120,130))        PressKey("q")        Sleep(math.random(9,14))                        ReleaseKey("q")        Sleep(math.random(9,14))      end           end    --]]


-- usp连发    ---[[    if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == usp_fire) then       -- usp连发压枪      time_sum = 0      move_y = 0      if(usp_push_gun)then        move_y = 3      end      while(IsMouseButtonPressed(usp_fire))      do        MoveMouseRelative(0,move_y)        PressMouseButton(1)        usp_speed_end = usp_speed + 10        time_one = math.random(usp_speed,usp_speed_end)        Sleep(time_one)        ReleaseMouseButton(1)        time_two = math.random(usp_speed,usp_speed_end)        Sleep(time_two)        time_sum = time_sum + time_one + time_two        if(time_sum > 300)        then          move_y = 0        end      end    end    --]]


-- 雷神三连发    ---[[    if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == tree_constant) then       -- 下面注意,判断是否按压的值和正在按压的值不同,分别是132和123value             --OutputLogMessage("Hello World %d\n",2007)        PressMouseButton(1)        Sleep(math.random(178,190))        ReleaseMouseButton(1)        Sleep(math.random(45,53))      end     end    --]]


-- 雷神压枪2.0    ---[[    if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == force_gun_m4 and is_open_up) then      move_y = 3    --纵向移动坐标      move_x = 0    --横向移动坐标      time_all = 0  --枪口停止压枪阀      --last_x_pos = 0  --上次的x坐标      --last_y_pos = 0  --上次的y坐标      --last_x_pos ,last_y_pos = GetMousePosition()      --循环压枪      while(IsMouseButtonPressed(force_gun_m4))      do        if (time_all < 60)        then          --前2发不压          move_y = 0        end        time_one = math.random(7,10)        Sleep(time_one)        MoveMouseRelative(move_x,move_y)        time_two = math.random(7,10)        Sleep(time_two)        time_all = time_all + time_one + time_two        if (time_all > 360)        then          --达到压枪阈值纵坐标停止运动          move_y = 0          -- 横坐标开始运动          --current_x_pos,current_y_pos = GetMousePosition() --获取当前鼠标坐标          --如果当前鼠标移动,自动像反方向压枪                 else          move_y = 3        end             end    end    --]]

7、ak火麒麟压枪-- AK压枪    ---[[    if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == force_gun_ak and is_open_up) then      move_y = 4    --纵向移动坐标      move_x = 0    --横向移动坐标      time_all = 0  --枪口停止压枪阀      --last_x_pos = 0  --上次的x坐标      --last_y_pos = 0  --上次的y坐标      --last_x_pos ,last_y_pos = GetMousePosition()  --获取初始位置      --OutputLogMessage("%d,%d\n",last_x_pos,last_y_pos)      --sum_move_y = 0  --y轴移动全部距离           --循环压枪      while(IsMouseButtonPressed(force_gun_ak))      do        if (time_all < 40)        then          --单点不压          move_y = 0        end               --time_one = math.random(5,11)        --Sleep(time_one)        MoveMouseRelative(move_x,move_y)        --sum_move_y = sum_move_y + move_y  --计算移动后的距离        time_two = math.random(10,22)        Sleep(time_two)        time_all = time_all + time_two         if (time_all > 430)        then          --达到压枪阈值纵坐标停止运动          move_y = 0          -- 横坐标开始运动          --current_x_pos,current_y_pos = GetMousePosition() --获取当前鼠标坐标          --如果当前鼠标移动,自动像反方向压枪        else          move_y = 4        end             end      --sum_move_y = 0 - sum_move_y      --OutputLogMessage("%d\n",sum_move_y)           --MoveMouseRelative(0,sum_move_y)  --位置回执      --last_x_pos ,last_y_pos = GetMousePosition()  --获取初始位置      --OutputLogMessage("%d,%d\n",last_x_pos,last_y_pos)    end    --]]
